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Volume 4 (2), December 2021, Pages 242-262
Mohsin Naseer, Javeria Naz
COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Camps, Pakistan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nowadays, people’s lives are becoming more and more luxurious with the use of technologies. Everyone wants ease and comfort. The trend of having personal vehicles for daily-based usage is increasing rapidly. As more and more people are buying vehicles, the traffic burden is increasing on the roads, causing accidents. When an accident happens, people get injured, and if the emergency services like medical aid are not given on time, then it may cause death. In the upcoming era, the idea of smart cities would be utilized, where every facility and service would be centralized and connected to a server; therefore, devices will be used to send a signal to the nearest emergency response center when an accident is detected on CCTV footage. This work reviews accident and accidental vehicle analysis through automated approaches. The areas of applications are highlighted along with the recent trends and practices discussed in this article.
Accident detection, Road safety, Classification, Review, Smart cities.
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