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Volume 4 (1), June 2021, Pages 53-59
Antonio Manzalini
Telecom Italia, Technology Innovation, Turin, Italy, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Today, like never before, we are witnessing a pervasive diffusion of ultra-broadband fixed-mobile connectivity, the deployment of Cloud-native 5G network and service platforms, and the wide adoption of Artificial Intelligence. It has the so-called Digital Transformation of our Society: as a matter of fact, the transformative role of Telecommunications and Information Communication Technologies (ICT) has long been witnessed as a precursor of scientific progress and economic growth in the modern world.
Nevertheless, this transformation is still laying its foundations on Electronics and the impending end of Moore’s Law: therefore, a rethinking of the long-term ways of doing computation and communications has been already started. Among these different ways, quantum technologies might trigger the next innovation breakthrough in the medium long-term.
In this direction, the paper provides an overview of the state of the art, challenges, and opportunities posed by an expected second wave of quantum technologies and services.
Quantum computing, progress of ICT, QOC systems, quantum services, quantum computers.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32010/26166127.2021.
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