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Volume 4 (1), June 2021, Pages 39-47
Farshad Rezaei, Shamsollah Ghanbari
Islamic Azad University, Ashtian Branch, Ashtian, Iran, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cloud computing is a new technology recently being developed seriously. Scheduling is an essential issue in the area of cloud computing. There is an extensive literature concerning scheduling in the area of distributed systems. Some of them are applicable for cloud computing. Traditional scheduling methods are unable to provide scheduling in cloud environments. According to a simple classification, scheduling algorithms in the cloud environment are divided into two main groups: batch mode and online heuristics scheduling. This paper focuses on the trust of cloud-based scheduling algorithms. According to the literature, the existing algorithm examinee latest algorithm is related to an algorithm trying to optimize scheduling using the Trust method. The existing algorithm has some drawbacks, including the additional overhead and inaccessibility to the past transaction data. This paper is an improvement of the trust-based algorithm to reduce the drawbacks of the existing algorithms. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can execute better than the previous method. The efficiency of this method depends on the number of nods and tasks. The more trust in the number of nods and tasks, the more the performance improves when the time cost increases
Cloud Computing, Task Scheduling, Trust Method, Distributed Systems, Heuristics Scheduling
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