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Volume 3 (2), December 2020, Pages 151-163
Zeinab Sohrabi, Ehsan Mousavi Khaneghah
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Virtual machine-based process migrator mechanisms have the potential to be used in distributed exascale systems due to their ability to execute process execution and support environments with the heterogenous of the computational unit. The ability to reduce process suspension time and use the concept of live process migrator makes it possible to use this mechanism to transfer processes in distributed exascale systems to prevent related process activity failure. The performance function of a virtual machine-based process migrator mechanism cannot manage dynamic and interactive events and the effects of this event on the mechanism operation and the change in the basic concept of system activity from the concept of the process to the concept of global activity. This paper examines the challenges of dynamic and interactive event occurrence on virtual machine-based process migrators by analyzing VM-based migrator's performance function.
Virtual Machine-Based Process Migration, Distributed Exascale Systems, Dynamic and Interactive Events, Process State.
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