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Volume 3 (1), June 2020, Pages 139-146
Farid Jafarov
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Due to the growing demand for parallel programs and mathematical and industrial problems that require high performance computing, cluster systems are one of the essential parts of the computing world. Clusters have different features, and there are multiple topics can be studied while working in these systems. In this paper, the related issues about visualization procedure in clusters will be discussed, analyzed, and researched. There are quite similar visualization manners in a cluster environment, like the visualization of hardware usage, process flow, data flow, environmental data, etc. And the majority of contemporary monitoring tools were prepared with a particular target; for example, Nagios was developed to mainly monitor network and devices related to the work of the network. Hence, it is almost impossible to find a unique tool that can be used for most of the purposes mentioned above. This paper will mention the possibilities of having unique monitoring tools for most cluster systems.
High performance computing, Clusters, Visualization tools, Daemons, Monitoring
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