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Volume 3 (1), June 2020, Pages 15-31
Muhammad Bayat1, Hasan Hani2
1MajdRayan Intelligent Computing, Qom, Iran, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2University of Qom, Qom, Iran, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cloud computing is developing and spreading very quickly. One of the most important issues among cloud service providers is efficient resource allocation. The IaaS layer is responsible for providing the resources needed for cloud services. The automatic resource allocation to the workloads is another concern for cloud service providers. Current approaches in infra-structure as a service (IaaS) that use three separate resource management (compute, storage, and network resource management) are not capable of re-sponding to applications and multimedia services that need a guaranteed quality of services. Some applications and end-to-end quality of services depend on the performance of computing, network, and storage resources. Therefore these resources must be controlled and managed altogether. In this research, we first describe available architectures that integrate and manage heterogeneous resources. Then, we propose a software-defined infrastruc-ture (SDI) management and control system (MCS) architecture that incorpo-rates IaaS resource management based on the performance, integrated re-source management, support from heterogeneous sources, overhead reduc-tion, and automatic allocation of resources regarding the workload criteria. We use the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze the architectures based on the mentioned criteria. We prepare pairwise comparison matrices for all major and minor criteria and use the feature sets of each architecture to fill these matrices. The results obtained from the AHP shows that the proposed architecture is of higher priority than others.
Cloud computing, infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software-defined Networking(SDN), Software-defined Infrastructure(SDI), dynamic re-source allocation
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