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Volume 2 (2), December 2019, Pages 178-182
Ulphat Bakhishov
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Exascale systems are the concept of HPC systems that able to perform one exaflop (1018 floating-point operations) per second in a dynamic and interactive environment. As the traditional HPC systems, the major challenge of this system is load balancing. Providing load balancing in dynamic and interactive nature requires a model which handles dynamic and interactive events and allows to manage load distribution over the system. It strongly depends on the distribution degree of the system. This paper defined a new model of load flow while imbalance occurred in the node of a fully distributed Exascale system.
Distributed Exascale Computing system, Load Balancing, Dynamic and Interactive Nature, Load distribution model
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