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Volume 2 (2), December 2019, Pages 141-157
Israa N. Alsalhi, Salah A. Albermany
Kufa University, Najaf, Iraq, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In broadband wireless communications, one of the main problems facing it is the limited availability of the spectrum needed to provide high-speed telecommunications services at any time and anywhere, since all radio frequencies are being reserved for different communications systems. Accordingly, a cognitive radio network (CRN) proposal was proposed to solve the problem of the limited spectrum by enhancing the overall spectrum utilization and provide an adequate spectrum for broadband wireless communications. Despite the different methods of protection used in CRNs, they may be exposed to external attacks and to provide security, we will have a high-security protocol analysis using BAN logic. BAN logic is used to analyze the protocol using to authentication; In this paper, we offer the highest protection in the contact against various attacks. We are using authentication of the ElGamal algorithm and analysis via BAN logic to show if it is achieving the authentication and secure communication to be used in CRN.
Cognitive Radio Network, BAN Logic, Security, Spectrum Sharing, authentication, protocol, ElGamal
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