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Volume 6 (1), June 2023, Pages 3-18
Tran Anh Kiet, Trinh Cong Duy
The University of Danang, Danang, Vietnam, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In truthfully, managing and storing information and data at the Department of Transport and its units in Da Nang city is still done manually and sporadically. Currently, the majority of them still utilize paper or digitized records but still save them separately on personal computers for managing and storing information regarding infrastructure, modes of transportation, etc. (.doc, .xls, .pdf files, Autocad, Video, Audio, Images, ...). Storing, maintaining, looking up, and discovering information is greatly hampered by this. There are still inconsistencies and delays in the deployment of information reporting, management information, digitization, and the availability of exploitation channels. In line with the Ministry of Transport's strategy, information technology should be used to manage transportation activities. Organizations and units in the transportation industry across the nation have developed and implemented various specialized software to assist in managing road transport. Software solutions have offered management information, enhancing professional management effectiveness. The deploying units use each software system separately, storing and handling specialized data in various ways. When it is necessary to handle and review the information of road transport vehicles, including registration information, vehicle registration, and information about traffic safety infractions, the program does not have a connection or data sharing capabilities. To access and compare data, expert employees must look for information and data on each software system to retrieve and compare data. The specificity of the data of each transport infrastructure project is that the data is very large and has many different formats; the information is updated regularly every year according to the maintenance, renovation, and upgrading process, etc. Traditional storage and data representation, like how database management systems and management software are used, will not meet the demand. In this paper, we propose a solution to build a centralized specialized database, have a specific organizational plan according to the specific characteristics of the industry, and be able to integrate data from specialized applications to connect and unify data between authorities. This will be a platform for sharing and exploiting data for professional management between authorities in the city and the whole country. The people and state management agencies highly appreciate this solution, which has been researched and implemented experimentally in Danang City.
Management, Storage, Information, Transport, Exploitation Channels
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