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Volume 5 (2), December 2022, Pages 183-192
Rustam Eyniyev
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Every day the gaming industry is developing faster and faster. Especially the popularity of games increased during the pandemic, as many people were forced to stay at home for a long time and play games in their free time. With the increasing popularity of games, the requirements for the games themselves also increase. As a result, modern games require large computer resources. However, not all people can afford to buy computers with the most expensive video cards, many expensive CPUs, and many RAMs and other components. In order to make games accessible to users with weaker devices, developers have few options. At the moment, there are two main ways to solve this problem. The first is to host games on the cloud, and the second is to optimize games for weaker devices. To optimize games, you can use various methods, including a package Job System for Unity. The Job System is one of the main components for working with threads in an Entity Component System (ECS). Also, in the future, in games with the Unity engine, parallelization between weak devices and High-Performance Computing (HPC) technologies will be combined and implemented using cloud technologies. In the future, when this happens, it will help developers, gamers, and even companies providing cloud services.
Game development, Unity, Multithreading, Entity Component System, Job System, High Performance Computing, Cloud Technologies.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32010/26166127.2022.
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