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Volume 5 (2), December 2022, Pages 326-338
Trinh Cong Duy, Tran Anh Kiet
The University of Danang, Danang, Vietnam, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the 4.0 revolution, almost every problem is gradually being solved by technology; the pillars are still Cloud Computing, Big Data, AI, and IoT. Among these problems, the problem of the transport sector is fundamental. Because of its unique characteristics, the analysis and collection of survey data are challenging. The unique feature of the data of each transport infrastructure project is that the data is extensive and has many different formats; the information is updated regularly every year according to the process of conserving, renovating, and renovating. Upgrade if using the traditional way of storing and representing data, like the way database management systems and software are used, will not meet the demand. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a solution to build specialized databases, with a special organizational plan according to industry characteristics and the ability to integrate data from specialized applications to have linkage and unity data between authorities. This will be a data platform for exploitation and sharing for professional management work between authorities in the city and the whole country. The planning and maintenance of transportation infrastructure is a practical application. However, there is now interest in a new area of navigation applications in maritime transport and electronic charts. This feature requires GIS support. The transportation system is an essential factor serving the travel needs of the people, helping the production process to take place continuously and operate normally. In our country, transportation is more and more focused. Our country has been building an increasingly complete and developed transportation system; transport infrastructure is considered essential in promoting our country’s economic, cultural and social activities. This paper proposes a solution to organize traffic infrastructure management data in combination with digital maps. Application to edit data of transportation infrastructure information for Hai Chau and Son Tra districts. At the same time, we have also integrated most of the famous map platforms in the world, such as Google Map, BingMap, OpenStreetMap, HereMap, and IOTLink
Infracstacture, Traffic, GIS, Danang, Platform.
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